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Cub Scout Pack 518


Bay Ridge Cub Scout Pack 518 meets at Bethlehem Lutheran Church on Friday night at 7pm. We accept boys and girls from kindergarten to 5th grade. Pack 518 is a family centered program, where we encourage parents and children to work and grow together.  We do events throughout the year and sometimes with Troop 9318 as we are one big scouting family. Check out our events calendar below for whats to come!

Need more information, email us!

Cub Pack Ranks

Lion Cubs:

Our youngest group, starts in Kindergarten and works together with their adult partner through activities during our Den meetings.

Tiger Cubs:

First graders work towards the rank of Tiger through discovery with their adult partner

Wolf cubs:

Those in Second grade  work with their adult partner on achievements involving knowledge of the national flag, his religious duties, physical skills, and other simple skills geared to his interests

Bear Cubs:

When the child is in the Third grade or reaches the age of 9, he begins working towards the Bear rank, earning a number of achievements which help him grow on his path of discovery


Those in Fourth and Fifth grade will begin their journey towards Scouts by learning more outdoor skills and working towards their Arrow of Light. Which is the highest achievement a Cub Scout can earn, before joining our Scout Troop. 

Cub Pack Calendar

2021 - 2022 calendar coming soon

How much does it cost to join?

  • There is a $60 registration fee and monthly dues of $10 for Sept - June. Monthly dues will be prorated depending on when you join.

How do I join?

  • There are a few ways to join our Cub Pack. You can come to our weekly meeting and fill out a registration form. You can also complete an online application at 

How often do you meet?

  • Our Cub Pack meets every Friday, from September to June, at Bethlehem Lutheran Church from 7-8:30pm. Check out our calendar above for our full meeting schedule

What activities does our Pack do?

  • In addition to our weekly meetings, we plan monthly outings that usually follow a theme established in our weekly meetings. Typical outings include, 2 camping trips a year, movie night, bowling and the annual fishing derby. We also try to do multiple community service projects throughout the year.

Whats the difference between Scouts and Cub Scouts?

  • Cub Scouting is a program specifically designed for youth ages 5 to 10 1/2, full of activities for the Cub Scouts to participate in along with their adult partner. Once they've completed the 5th grade, they have the honor of joining the Scout troop. In Scouts, young men and women from age 11 to 17, learn outdoor skills, teamwork, and leadership as they grow in rank and discover new interest. Cub Pack 518 and Troop 9318 participate in many events together we are a big scouting family.

Do you allow girls?

  • Yes! Both our Cub Pack and Scout Troop is set up to accept both boys and girls and we already have a number of girls in both groups. Want more information, feel free to reach out.




Bethlehem Lutheran Church

6935 4th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11209

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